How to Write Irresistible Pre-Arrival Email

How to Write Irresistible Pre-Arrival Email

Pre Arrival Email for Hotel Guests: Crafting the Perfect Subject Line

First impressions count, and in the world of email marketing, your subject line is the handshake that can make or break guest engagement. Aim for a blend of curiosity and clarity that entices recipients to open the email. Think along the lines of “Enhance Your Stay with Exclusive Offers Just for You!” This approach is personal, direct, and promises value—a trifecta for high open rates.

Hotel Email Marketing Best Practices: Personalizing the Greeting

A touch of personalization goes a long way. Addressing your guest by name sets a warm, inviting tone right off the bat. It shows you’re not just pushing out generic promotions but rather offering a tailored experience. “Dear Guest Name,” might be simple, but it’s effective. It’s the digital equivalent of recognizing a returning guest at the front desk.

Crafting Compelling Content

The body of your email should be where the magic happens. Here’s where you need to shine, showcasing the additional services and experiences your hotel offers. Structure your content to guide the reader through a narrative—start with what they’ll gain from these added luxuries. Perhaps it’s a serene spa package or a gourmet dining experience. It could also be as simple as a late check out, or small a room on a higher floor away from the elevators. Use vivid imagery and evocative language to paint a picture that’s too tempting to resist.

Highlighting Exclusive Offers

Let’s face it, everyone loves feeling like an insider. Highlight exclusive deals that are available only through this email. Whether it’s a room upgrade at a special rate or a complimentary bottle of champagne, make it clear that these offers enhance their upcoming stay in ways that are both unique and valuable.

Creating a Seamless Call-to-Action

Your call-to-action (CTA) isn’t just a button or a link; it’s the climax of your upsell email. It should be bold, clear, and impossible to overlook. Phrases like “Claim Your Exclusive Offer” or “Upgrade Your Experience Now” paired with a standout button will drive conversions. Ensure the booking process is straightforward, so guests can take advantage of the offer with minimal clicks.

Setting the Right Tone and Style

Your email’s tone should mirror the hospitality your hotel is known for. It needs to be friendly, professional, and reassuring. Use language that conveys excitement without being overbearing. Remember, you’re extending an invitation, not issuing a command. The style should reflect the elegance or uniqueness of your property, reinforcing your brand with every word.

Testing and Optimizing

Before hitting send, test your email on various devices to ensure formatting remains pristine. Testing different elements like subject lines, images, and CTAs can provide insights into what resonates best with your audience. Continuously refine your approach based on guest feedback and interaction data.

Conclusion: The Game-Changer for Personalized Guest Experiences

An effective pre-stay upsell email can significantly enhance both your guest’s experience and your hotel’s revenue. By crafting a personalized, engaging, and visually appealing message, you’re not just selling a service—you’re elevating the entire stay. Keep refining your strategy and watch as those pre-arrival emails transform into a powerful tool for guest satisfaction and loyalty.

7 Ways to Effectively Market Your Hotel’s Meeting Space

7 Ways to Effectively Market Your Hotel’s Meeting Space

In today’s competitive hospitality industry, it is crucial for hotels to find creative and effective ways to market their meeting spaces.

As a hotelier or general manager, you understand the importance of maximizing revenue by attracting meetings and events to your property. In this post, we will discuss some proven strategies to effectively market your hotel’s meeting space and increase bookings.

Showcase Your Unique Selling Points

When marketing your hotel’s meeting space, it is essential to highlight its unique selling points. What makes your meeting space stand out from the competition? Is it a stunning view, state-of-the-art technology, or versatile room layouts? Communicate these features and benefits clearly to potential clients through various channels, such as your website, social media platforms, and promotional materials.

Utilize Compelling Visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words, especially when it comes to marketing your hotel’s meeting space. Invest in professional photography and videography to capture the beauty and functionality of your meeting rooms. Use these visuals on your website, online listings, and social media to entice potential clients. Remember, compelling visuals can leave a lasting impression and make your meeting space more appealing

Leverage Online Platforms

To reach a broader audience and attract meeting planners searching for venues, leverage online platforms dedicated to event planning. Create detailed profiles on popular websites such as Cvent, Loopio, and Optimize your listings with relevant keywords and captivating descriptions. Additionally, actively engage with customer reviews and respond promptly to inquiries to build credibility and trust.Develop Partnerships

Collaborating with local businesses and organizations can greatly enhance your marketing efforts. Identify complementary businesses, such as event planners, caterers, or team-building organizations, and establish mutually beneficial partnerships. By referring clients to each other and co-promoting events, you can tap into each other’s networks and attract more bookings for your meeting space.

Offer Special Promotions and Packages

Everyone loves a good deal! Create special promotions and packages specifically tailored to meetings and events. Consider offering discounted rates, complimentary upgrades, or bundled services. These incentives not only attract potential clients but also encourage repeat business and referrals. Clearly communicate the value of these promotions through your website, email marketing, and social media channels.

Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Word-of-mouth marketing is incredibly powerful, especially in the hospitality industry. Ensure that your staff delivers exceptional customer service at every touchpoint. From the initial inquiry to the actual event, make sure your guests feel valued and well taken care of. Happy clients are more likely to share their positive experiences with others, which can lead to an increase in bookings for your meeting space.

Testimonials Endorsements Showcase the Quality of Service

Testimonials are a powerful tool to showcase the successful experiences of past guests at your hotel meetings. Including testimonials in your marketing materials such as flyers or your website, allows you to highlight specific aspects that previous guests found exceptional. Whether it’s the professionalism of your staff, the venue options, or the seamless event coordination, testimonials can highlight these key selling points and provide proof that your hotel is a reliable and trustworthy choice for hosting events.


Marketing your hotel’s meeting space requires a strategic and creative approach. By showcasing unique selling points, utilizing compelling visuals, leveraging online platforms, developing partnerships, offering special promotions, and providing exceptional customer service, you can effectively market your meeting space and attract more bookings. Remember, consistency and innovation are key in staying ahead in the competitive hospitality industry.

Increase Your Hotel Sales During the Holidays

Increase Your Hotel Sales During the Holidays

The holiday season is a lucrative time for hoteliers to boost their sales and attract more guests.

With people planning vacations, family gatherings, and festive celebrations, it’s essential to capitalize on this opportunity. By implementing effective strategies and taking advantage of the holiday spirit, you can maximize your hotel sales and make the most out of this holiday season.

Create Irresistible Holiday Packages

When it comes to planning their vacation during the holidays, guests are looking for convenience and value. By creating irresistible holiday packages, you can meet their needs while also boosting your sales. Promote special amenities such as complimentary breakfast, or even discounted tickets to local attractions. This not only adds value for your guests but also differentiates your hotel from competitors in the market.

Decorate and Create a Festive Atmosphere

During the holiday season, people are drawn to places that exude warmth, coziness, and festive spirit. Transform your hotel into a winter wonderland by decorating with beautiful lights, wreaths, and ornaments. Play cheerful holiday music in the lobby, add holiday scents of aromatherapy, and offer seasonal treats like hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies. Creating a festive atmosphere will not only attract more guests but also encourage them to spend more time at your hotel, increasing opportunities for additional sales.

Engage with Your Guests on Social Media

As the holiday season approaches, social media becomes a powerful tool for connecting with potential guests. Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to showcase your hotel’s holiday offerings and engage with your audience. Share captivating visuals of your decorated property, promote your holiday packages, and run contests or giveaways to generate excitement. By actively participating in social media conversations, you can increase brand awareness, build relationships with potential guests, and ultimately drive more bookings.

Offer Promotions and Special Discounts

Everyone loves a good deal, especially during the holidays when expenses tend to pile up. Attract budget-conscious travelers and increase occupancy rates by offering holiday discounts or promotions. Create time-limited offers, such as “Early Bird Specials” or “Last-Minute Deals,” and promote them across your marketing channels. Make sure to highlight the savings guests will enjoy by booking with your hotel during the holiday season.

Collaborate with Local Businesses

The holidays are all about community and collaboration. Partnering with local businesses can provide unique opportunities to increase your hotel sales. Consider joint promotional campaigns, where you offer exclusive discounts or incentives to customers of partnering businesses. For example, you could collaborate with a nearby restaurant to offer a special holiday dining experience for your guests. By leveraging each other’s customer bases, you can expand your reach and generate more bookings.


With some strategic planning and creative thinking, you can significantly increase hotel sales during the holiday season. From creating enticing holiday packages to engaging with your audience on social media, there are numerous tactics at your disposal. Remember to keep the festive spirit alive throughout your property and always strive to provide exceptional guest experiences. Embrace the holidays and watch your hotel thrive!

How Hotel Reviews Can Help Fuel Bookings

How Hotel Reviews Can Help Fuel Bookings

In the hospitality industry, online hotel reviews have become an essential aspect of the decision-making process for travelers.

These reviews provide potential guests with valuable insights into the quality and experiences offered by a hotel. As a result, hotels must pay attention to and manage their online reputation effectively. This article will discuss how hotel reviews can help fuel bookings and the importance of leveraging this powerful tool.

Benefits of Positive Reviews

Positive reviews can significantly impact a hotel’s booking rate. When potential guests come across multiple positive reviews, it cultivates trust and confidence in the hotel’s services. Positive reviews act as endorsements from previous guests, suggesting that the hotel is worthy of consideration. It creates a positive perception, validates the hotel’s offerings, and increases the likelihood of a booking.

Increased Visibility and Exposure

Hotels with a high number of positive reviews tend to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). This increased visibility exposes the hotel to a wider audience, including potential guests who might not have discovered it otherwise. Improved search rankings generate more organic traffic to the hotel’s website, leading to higher booking potential.

Guest Engagement and Loyalty

Reviews provide an avenue for hotels to engage with their guests directly. Responding to both positive and negative reviews allow hoteliers to showcase their commitment to guest satisfaction. Addressing concerns mentioned in negative reviews demonstrates that the hotel values its guests’ feedback and is willing to take steps to improve. Engaging with guests through reviews helps build loyalty, encourages repeat bookings, and promotes positive word-of-mouth.

Competitive Edge

In today’s crowded marketplace, hotels face stiff competition. By actively managing their online reputation and encouraging guests to leave positive reviews, hotels gain a competitive edge. Potential guests are more likely to choose a hotel with a substantial number of positive reviews over those with fewer or no reviews. Positive reviews set a hotel apart from its competitors, positioning it as a trusted and reliable choice.

Hotel reviews play a crucial role in driving bookings. Positive reviews enhance a hotel’s credibility, increase visibility, and promote guest engagement and loyalty. By leveraging the power of online reviews, hotels can differentiate themselves from competitors and attract more potential guests. It is essential for hotels to prioritize their online reputation management and actively encourage guests to share their experiences.

Get to Know Your Neighbors: How to Market in Your Backyard

Get to Know Your Neighbors: How to Market in Your Backyard

As a hotel owner, you know the importance of marketing your property to attract visitors. But have you considered looking beyond traditional methods and focusing on your local community?

By getting to know your neighbors, you can create lasting relationships that will not only benefit your hotel but also boost the local economy. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to market in your backyard and why it’s important.

Why Local Marketing Matters

Marketing your hotel locally is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to build meaningful relationships with members of your community, who are more likely to recommend your hotel to friends and family. Secondly, it’s cost-effective since you don’t need to spend money on expensive advertising campaigns. And finally, it helps strengthen the local economy by encouraging people to stay, shop, and eat within the area.

Strategies for Marketing Locally

Here are some effective strategies for marketing your hotel in your backyard:

Host Local Events

Hosting events is an excellent way to get your hotel noticed within the community. You could organize a charity fundraiser, a wine tasting, or even a community clean-up day. By collaborating with other local businesses, you can promote your event to a wider audience and create partnerships that benefit everyone involved.

Leverage Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your hotel locally. Ensure your hotel’s social media profiles are up-to-date and active, and engage with other local businesses and customers. You could also consider running social media contests or giveaways to encourage people to share your content and visit your hotel.

Collaborate with Local Businesses

By partnering with other local businesses, you can cross-promote each other and create a network of support. For example, organize a team sales blitz and go door-to-door with printed flyers of your hotel that outline your specific features and benefits. Mention the idea of cross-marketing services to the local businesses. You could offer discounts to customers who have visited a nearby restaurant or store, share coupons for display, or collaborate on a joint marketing campaign.

Marketing your hotel locally is an effective way to build meaningful relationships with members of your community, boost the local economy, and attract visitors. By hosting events, leveraging social media, and collaborating with local businesses, you can create a powerful network that benefits everyone involved.

The Most Important Sales Calls to Make

The Most Important Sales Calls to Make

We’ve all had that “aha” moment. You know this is the time when something seems so obvious after the fact. In sales, it’s often said, if only I knew that before, I could have landed that deal!

The question is, would we really change the way we do business if we experienced that “aha” moment? I’m sure the answer would be yes if it led to making more money and bringing in more business.

But how can we make these “aha” moments more of a reality and less of a dream? The way to do this is by understanding when to make the most important sales calls and what to get out of these calls.

Follow up on Business You Didn’t Land

Once you have been turned down, it’s easy to give up on that potential customer. But this is the time you need to build a trace system and follow up with these potential customers. It really is the best time to learn and can help you tailor your future approach to talking to potential clients.

Technology has made it simple to organize client information and remind you when it is time to place a call. Consider using one of the best free CRM software programs as reported by Business News Daily, like Hubspot CRM, Zoho CRM, Insightly, or Salesforce.

These programs will help you organize your lead data for your follow-up calls.

Ask Your Potential Guests for Feedback

There could be many reasons your hotel did not align with group needs for a particular event and so you lost the business. If this happens you need to ask your customers for feedback. This is probably one of the hardest things to do in your business, but you will be glad you did.

Was it your pricing? Was it due to lack of meeting space? Maybe your hotel is not close enough to restaurants or entertainment. There may even be something you could change next time. For example, if your hotel was lacking shuttle service, maybe you could price out transportation and offer it as a one-time service.

The potential customer has nothing to lose by providing constructive criticism and you have everything to gain. Especially if “no” is a common word you are hearing from potential group bookings.

Re-Engage with Lost Leads

Leads go dark for many reasons. Your contact may be overwhelmed at work but remain interested in your hotel.  Chances are, they will still remember you and you don’t want these leads falling off the grid after all.

The follow-up call shows you are interested in their future business. If you know they selected to go with another hotel, maybe the hotel they selected missed an important detail or they didn’t enjoy their stay.

Your follow-up will make an impression. If their event at the chosen locale wasn’t successful, then this could set you up for possibilities in the future. You may not get a commitment during this phone call, but nurturing that lead over time can turn a “no” into a future booking.

Turn Rejection into Opportunity

Create an action plan for future follow-ups. Your goal here is to stay at the forefront of their mind when a potential client is considering where to hold their next meeting.

Trace out another call in a few months. Maybe you have completed a renovation at your hotel. Or, maybe you just hosted a group meeting and you have a success story to share that is a potential idea for your lead.

You want them to remember you and your hotel so that your hotel is at the front of their mind the next time they are planning the next group event.

Communicate with Multiple Mediums

The bottom line is potential business doesn’t come knocking. You must work for it. Your business is the business of sales and while we can consider a small percentage of our business to come from direct phone calls, most of the time you are going to get your business by the effort you put into your follow-up.

Lead nurturing is all about following up. Sometimes it may take multiple calls to make contact, but the point is to keep trying. And, if your phone calls aren’t working, consider email.

Find other ways to keep your hotel in the running for future events. Connect on social media with popular apps for business such as Facebook or LinkedIn. Continue to promote your unique competitive advantage to stay at the forefront of their mind.